Payment Gateway
支付网关是电子商务服务的一部分,它为电子商务提供支付模式. 支付网关对机密信息进行加密,这些信息在客户和各自的商家之间以安全的路径传输. A payment gateway holds a soul of any e-commerce application.
Do you already possess any e-commerce application? And you need any payment gateway integrated into your system. We have a full-fledged and secure payment gateway method. 您所要做的就是让我们知道您使用的是哪种服务,剩下的就是我们的工作了. 我们有熟悉许多支付网关及其api(应用程序编程接口)的程序员. No coding and nothing would be handled by you, we handle the complete payment gateway integration process.
随着电子商务需求的不断增加,购物车的应用也呈指数级增长, 这是非常重要的,你的网上商店与支付网关与您的商户帐户集成. Get a Payment before you ship!
Generalized Illustration of Payment Gateway Process
- 用户在网站上下订单,然后以加密格式发送到商家的网络服务器. This is usually done via SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption.
- The transactions details are then forwarded to the concerned Payment Gateway. 然后,交易信息通过支付网关传递给商家收单银行.
- 商户收单银行再将交易信息转发给发卡银行. 然后发卡银行将响应(成功/失败)发送回支付网关.
- The response is then forwarded by the Payment Gateway to the merchant's web server. 在商家的网络服务器上,响应被再次加密并转发回用户. 这允许用户知道订单是否已经成功下单. If merchants server responds failure, the user again places the order.
HorizonCore promises to deliver custom payment integration solution 这使您可以使用您希望的支付网关方法接受客户的在线支付. We provide this integration solution; we guarantee 100% security against unofficial payments sent from your buyer's account. Our pre-made, 可伸缩和可移植的脚本允许我们用各种脚本语言交付此服务,例如 PHP, ASP.NET, JAVA, JSP/Strut, Perl and Cold Fusion as well. Delivery time for such payment gateway integration service is generally 24 - 48 hrs.
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