Twilio API Integration
Cloud is a renowned name in the world of web. It had always coped up with the promise of making things simpler, 简单且价格合理,这有助于降低复杂性,并通过简单的Twilio API集成访问服务. The result, achieved was magical indeed and Twilio was generated. In the starting stage of 2008, Twilio推出的目的是为web开发者提供API,让他们能够轻松构建网页应用. with telephony features like voice recording, audio playback, and in latest SMS Services. According to its founder Twilio is a matter of flexibility and it is an all-in-one deal, just you need to do is to; write your code in Twilio's easy to use syntax called TwiML.
Twilio将所有电话的复杂性隐藏在一个非常简单的API后面,通过它可以在更短的时间内开发许多应用程序. 然后,这些代码被转发到托管在AWS上的云中的Twilio电话服务. 最新版本的Twilio不仅支持短信集成,还支持各种强大的语音通信, which includes text to speech, MP3 playing, Voice recording, Option Menuing and most unique Conference calling.
What HorizonCore Provide?
HoizonCore 可以配置Twilio网络服务,使调用到任何网站使用Twilio应用程序编程接口(API). Twilio basically sells API services for call and SMS. 将这些服务集成到一个在线系统中,需要通过web接口连接两个设备/信使之间的呼叫,可以由HoizonCore完成. Charging for calls made by this interface also is done by HoizonCore accurately. Twilio提供的HoizonCore服务可以动态伸缩,以惊人的峰值处理呼叫量,这有助于降低电话成本. We help to set up a temporary call center on the emergency basis at an affordable cost. With our Easy User Interface, 我们提供一个强大的平台,帮助您的企业执行电话相关流程, so that you can easily configure and fully customize the phone call process.
Twilio API允许第三方系统发起电话呼叫,并在世界各地的任何电话号码上执行您的语音应用程序.
HoizonCore + Twilio = An Easy, Unique and Scalable way to create contextual telephony apps.
Some of the basic Features of Twilio
Build a Twilio API simulator for use on development machines
如果有一种方法可以在我的开发机器上运行Twilio模拟器,它可以接受REST调用并响应本地主机的TwiML,那将是非常酷的. It could use an onscreen phone keypad and the computer's audio system for playback/recording.
Twilio service mock interface
它可以通过请求与Twilio服务相同的URL来模拟对应用程序的调用. It could then print the says etc on a simple phone like GUI. It would allow the same inputs as a phone (0-9 * #). It would process redirects, hangups, records (record locally and optionally thing) etc.
Twilio Emulator
Twilio call flow emulator allows user interaction for dialogs and timeouts. 它旨在加速您的应用程序的开发,而无需拨打电话并节省电话费用.
Building IVR with Twilio
如果你不知道IVR的发展,没有任何经验,它的发展比开发一个IVR可以是一个可怕的工作. To simplify IVR development, Twilio想出了一个解决方案,将复杂的技术选择从项目中移除.
What is TwiML?
TwiML主要提供两种服务,主要包括TwiML Voice和TwiML SMS.
How Twilio Passes Data to Your Application:
Twilio makes HTTP requests to your application just like a regular web browser. By including parameters and values in its requests, Twilio sends data to your application that you can act upon before responding. 您可以配置url和HTTP方法,以便Twilio通过您的帐户门户或使用REST API发出请求.
TwiML Voice Requests:
当Twilio收到您的Twilio号码之一的呼叫时,它会向该号码配置的语音URL发出同步HTTP请求, and expects to receive TwiML in response. Twilio将以下参数作为POST参数或URL查询参数与请求一起发送, depending on which HTTP method you've configured.
We can integrate Twilio API with following Applications
Twilio API Process
Team of Experienced Developers
Customer Views a page on your website.
Customized Solutions
High Customer Satisfaction Ratio
Your application posts a call request to the twillo API.
Proven Methodologies
Twillo asks your application for an action to take after calling the customer.
Uninterrupted Communication
Twillo calls the customer's phone.
Competitive Pricing
Twillo then call customer service agents. 第一个接电话的人被告知呼叫的连接(例如:客户正在查看哪个产品).
Competitive Pricing
Finally, Twillo connects the customer with the first agent, and the two start talking.
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